
The Vegan pastel de nata recipe is for those who follow this food philosophy or, simply, for those who do not dispense with a pastel de nata but looking for a healthier solution..

Slightly different from the traditional, the vegan pastel de nata is still a delight to eat and cry for more.

This recipe was designed for 12 tarts and should take approximately one hour to prepare. To clear up doubts, don’t advertise that your custard tarts are vegan before your friends or family taste it. Let them be delighted and surprise them at the end.

Vegan pastel de nata recipe ingredients

Ingredient for the cream

  • a cinnamon stick.
  • two lemon peels.
  • One hundred milliliters of soy milk.
  • Two hundred milliliters of soy cream.
  • 30 grams of corn flour.
  • One hundred and ten grams of yellow or brown sugar.

Ingredients for vegan pastel de nata dough

  • 300 grams of whole wheat flour.

  • One hundred and twenty five grams of soy cream.

  • A cup of ice cold water.

Preparation of the vegan pastel de nata recipe:

Before you start, turn the oven to 220º.

  1. To make the dough: in a suitable container place the 300 grams of whole wheat flour and soy vegetable cream. Stir until well mixed and add water and knead well until smooth.
  2. Let the dough rest.
  3. Using a kitchen roll, roll out the dough.
  4. Then make a roll or cylinder with the dough, pressing it.
  5. As soon as it has the desired shape you can cut it into small pieces, with a width between one and a half centimeters and two centimeters, as you prefer a thicker or thinner dough.
  6. Butter the molds, place a piece of dough on each of them and gently spread the dough with your fingers, pushing the excess to the top, where the dough should be thicker (on the edge).
  7. Reserve them on an aluminum tray.
  8. To make the filling or cream, add the 100 grams of brown sugar, the 30 grams of corn flour and the cinnamon in a saucepan and place over a low heat.
  9. Then, add the remaining ingredients (soy milk, lemon and cream), stirring slowly but without stopping. When the mixture gains the desired consistency, having thickened and being homogeneous, turn off the heat and wait until it cools.
  10. Finally, and we are almost at the end of the vegan pastel de pastel recipe, distribute the contents by the forms and take them to the oven for 15 minutes. Let the custard tarts brown but take them off before they burst, so that they do not shrivel too much when cooling.

Suggestions: If you have children at home, make sure that the pasteis de nata are not excessively hot, so that no one gets burned. If you like cinnamon, sprinkle your pastel de nata with a little, and accompany it with a good coffee.

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