
The Bimby custard tart recipe is for those who have a kitchen robot and prefer to use it instead of the traditional way. In our humble opinion, everything is better when it is made by hand. Here the big advantage will be time, as cooking is a little faster.

Even though we are apologists for traditional cuisine, the recipe for Bimby pasteis de nata is quite good. If you have one of these machines at home, try it and compare the results.

This recipe is designed for 12 tarts and should take approximately 45 minutes. In the end, don’t tell anyone that you made the pastries in the Bimby and see if anyone notices.

Ingredients for the Bimby custard tart recipe

  • Fifty grams of flour

  • Five egg yolks

  • A cinnamon stick

  • Two lemon peels

  • 250 grams of cream

  • 500 grams of puff pastry

  • 250 grams of semi-skimmed milk

  • 190 grams of sugar

  • Butter for greasing.

Preparation of the Bimby custard tart recipe::

Before starting, turn on the oven at 240º.

  1. In the Thermomix cup, add fifty grams of flour, 190 grams of sugar, cream and milk. Also add the egg yolks.
  2. Program the Thermomix on speed four for ten seconds.
  3. Then add the butterfly, add the cinnamon stick and the lemon.
  4. Program the robot at speed 1.5, at 90 degrees, for eighteen minutes.
  5. Using a kitchen roll, stretch the dough.
  6. Then make a roll or cylinder with the dough, pressing it.
  7. Once you have the shape you want, you can cut it into small pieces, between one and a half and two centimeters wide, depending on whether you prefer a thicker or thinner dough.
  8. Grease the molds with butter, place a piece of dough in each one and gently spread the dough with your fingers, pushing the excess to the top, where the dough should become thicker (at the edge).
  9. When the program is finished, after removing the cinnamon and lemon, pour the contents of the glass into the molds.
  10. Finally, and we are almost at the end of the Bimby custard tart recipe, after having the contents distributed between the molds, place them in the oven for 15 minutes. Let the custard tarts brown but take them out before they burst, so they don’t shrivel too much as they cool.


If you have children at home, make sure the pasteis de nata are not excessively hot, so that no one gets burned.

If you like cinnamon, sprinkle some of it on your custard tart and wash it down with a good coffee.

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